Integration Methods

Note: Always use SSL on the domain where you upload the code. 

JavaScript Paste

It’s the simplest way to implement the Trafficshield code.

Uses a JavaScript redirect.

The unsafe visitor stays on the safe page where you paste this code.

For the real visitor, you can use only a redirect. It does not support PHP include (filepaths).

If your safe page is hosted on a CDN, then you can only use this method.

If you have a landing page (safe page) that is already approved in the ad network, you can use this code.

Some of the features – AdPlexity Filter and TimeZone condition – work only with the JavaScript integration. They do not work with any of the PHP methods.

PHP Paste

This is the safest and most reliable method. We recommend you to use it whenever possible.

Uses PHP 302 redirect.

The unsafe visitor stays on the safe page where you paste this code.

For the safe visitor, you can either use a redirect (URL) or PHP include (filepath).

If you have a landing page (safe page) that is already approved in the ad network, you can use this code.

PHP Upload

You can use either PHP include or redirect for money page and safe page.

Important: If you do not own the safe page then you can only use this code.


The unsafe visitor stays on the WP safe page where you paste this code.

For the safe visitor, you can either use a redirect (URL) or PHP include (filepath).

Which is the best option for me?

Most of the ad agencies use tracking URL which redirects. Redirecting after approval without cloaking is what gets your banned.

For PHP include, you’ll need your own safe page.

If you are using a tracking URL as money page or safe page then you’ll need a redirect.

Choose the one that meets your requirements.